Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Narnia Characters

picture by Goustien
My favorite Narnia character is mmm?  I dont know!  Maybe if you asked me who are your favorite three Narnia characters I would say Eustace Scrub, Reepicheep and Aslan.  I like Eustace because he has a cool story and plot. I like Reepecheep because he is funny.  I like Aslan because he helps people in Narnia.  Another reason I like Eustace Scrub is because he turns into a dragon in The
Dawn Treader book.  Another reason I like Reepicheep is that his sword is tiny.  Aslan also is in all of the movies and books!! Or at least I think so.

Eustace is an annoying cousin of Lucy's and Edmund's.  At first he thinks everything is stupid and he is better than everyone else.  Eustace turns into a dragon when he goes in a hole with 
treasure.  He thought he was dead and then he saw a gold wrist band and he put it on.  Then he was a dragon.

Reepicheep is a mouse and we already know from Prince Caspian that he is brave. He does a lot of things in The Dawn Treader.  He
helped Eustace a lot by cheering him up.
Aslan is the king of everybody in Narnia.  It tells you that in The
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  Aslan also has his own county.  Without Aslan, Reepicheep and Eustace the chronicles of Narnia would not be as interesting.

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