Monday, June 3, 2013


Galileo was born in the year 1564. When he was born science barley existed.  He went to the leaning Tower of Pisa and got  2 different balls that were different sizes.  He dropped both down at the same time. He wanted to prove that they would hit at the same time. What ball do you think would hit first?  They almost hit at the same time but the bigger one hit 5 centimeters before the other one.  This was because of the air resistance with different on 2 different sized balls.  He made a mistake.  He should of gotten one ball the same size that was softer and lighter lighter like foam, and another that was the same size but metal.  After that he tried it again with a ramp this time they both hit at the same time. 

He also figured out that the moon wasn't perfectly smooth.  He figured out that the moon had bumps and hills and valleys.  He also discovered that Saturn was not perfectly round, but instead had what he thought looked like ears.  Galileo was seeing what we now know are Saturn's rings.  His discoveries went against the catholic religion.  At trial he had to deny everything he knew to be true of get burned.  He actually did deny everything he knew.

What do you think of Galileo?

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